“The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up” Paul Valery
Do you have a desire to become something other than your daily requirements? Other than all the hats you wear to make your life happen? Other than the role that was seamlessly joisted upon you… Wait a minute what I do is what makes my life happen! Without those things, all the spinning plates will crash to the floor. And guess who will have to pick them up? I’ll chase my dreams when I have more time… (Trust me that day will not arrive).
Is there a life waiting for you that you want to know, dream to know, dare not know, have always been seeking to know? A life that would represent what your calling is, your true heart desire, your purpose? That may seem impossible because the whole daily life happens, and daily. The to-do lists will always be there and you will still have to see to them.
Time to wake up to you. Time to pick up the paintbrush, the computer, the design board, here I am life I am ready to go after you. You are great, your purpose is real, and has the ability to help others. Take your ideas and write them down. Formulate a plan for little steps that point you in the direction of your calling. Remember the ‘two boxes a day rule’. I was overwhelmed with packing for a move and my friend said, “Just pack two boxes a day”. I started the next day and two easily turned into four.
Settling is leaving yourself and purpose behind. That is meant for those who expect less, those who could not hold the vision. Can you hold the vision for your life, for your ideas, for your purpose? Can you try and fail then try again? Can you wear more than one hat and be all right if you do? Go after what your heart is calling you. I have heard you can only fail if you never try, I don’t know this to be true but it sounds rather wise. I understand on a deeply personal level that failure is part of my process.
Being a mother, a boss, a wife, an entrepreneur, maybe just what you are right now. If there is a nagging urge, a voice, something outside of what your life requires. Requirements are what we do. All of us, no matter what that means. However, urging towards a goal we simply should choose not to ignore the whispers on our hearts. The faint beat that will never leave us until we answer.
It is never too late. Not too late for love, not for anything you want to achieve.
My Mantra: “I never knew who I would be when I found me. Turns out I am an author/blogger”
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