“Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.” Oprah Winfrey

It takes courage to discover ourselves, to be ourselves, and to embrace each passage as it arrives, a tall order. Finding our truth is for the brave, the investigative, and the determined. Everyone overcomes some sort of trauma, and that just gets us started.

If you are like me and push yourself along in life’s transformative seasons and are willing to discover more, why of it all?


People judge status, appearance, skin, class, job, car, and age of people judge. Judging of others is instinctive. If you ascertain that the person in front of you is unsafe, you must distance yourself from the situation. Even in a safe moment, we still judge. We look at the details of someone else, the clothes, the way they carry themselves, all of which are wired inside us. However, derived from basic instinct, do we continue our judgment of others?

Furthermore, do we allow someone we don’t know to judge us?

I wrote a book about my dating/divorce/love journey, and those who read it feel as if they know me. They do not. They know how I write. They know some crazy stories I have lived through or made up because I could, and I did.

The question is, do I let their impression of me cloud my impression of myself?

My most incredible friends have all stepped away from judgment. They accept me where I am. They are not jealous. They sit with me through failed attempts, albeit love, career, or family. They hold space for, well, for me.

I wear a crown; I have earned it—a crown of accomplishment, success, failure, perseverance. The crown is mine, and anyone who wants to knock it off or try to steal it, is simply not my friend. Good luck with that. I’m no pushover.

God will separate me from those who are not part of my destiny; that is beautiful.

With said earned crown, I have no time for nonsense.

Instead of hearing someone tell me what they think of me (if unsolicited), I have a better idea for anyone who has read this far.

Every morning, look yourself in the eye and remind yourself how much you love yourself. “I love you; you are beautiful.” This is an example of Louise Hay’s mirror work, which works!

Sleep naked, wake up sexy, love yourself in the mirror, stretch your arms and legs, write a gratitude list, write a must-do list, eat clean food, dress cute, stay away from any media, and set your day up for success.

Crown in place and go!

My Mantra: “It takes enough just to find out who you are; don’t let the weak knock you down.”

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Katie L Lindley

Although I would like to say I am organized, focused and cookie-cutter, that simply would not be me. I am no different than any other woman in the world. I love to love, love hard, and, in the end, have learned to love myself above all else. So here I am, writing about the many men and the multiple purposes they have served in my life. Realizing that not one man on my roster had fulfilled every single one of my needs. Perhaps one man is not supposed to? I have compiled snippets of the men that have entered my world. In the end, they have shoved me towards my bathroom mirror, forcing me to take a better look at myself. Reflection is brilliant and the strongest guidepost into ourselves.

Working on the next book in the series “A House for Every Purpose, My Journey From Pillow to Pillow” revels a woman abandoning her home in search or her identity beyond men, motherhood, author.

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