Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning and you’ll start to see a big difference in your life.
-Yoko Ono
For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.
-Steve Jobs
A girl’s best friend, a girl’s worst enemy, can very well be the reflection she scrutinizes to the enth degree everyday. Why did I get a mirror that magnifies twenty times? It is not because I have trouble seeing. It is because I critically view every pore as an enemy. When anxious thoughts rise up in me I find myself going after my poor innocent face. I don’t even remember walking into the bathroom, and putting myself right in front of my enemy. If not sitting down to get my face I stand up and go after my hair, mutilating my bangs with some unworthy dollar store sizzlers. I’m all grown up so I can openly recognize my less than perfect self and share openly what is kind of gross. My subconscious sabotaging of what I should be grateful for I attack.
Louise Hay founder of Hay House Publishing does what she calls “mirror work”. This requires one to stand in front of the mirror and look yourself in the eye and tell yourself “I love you, I really really love you”. Simple, I understood how this practice could be impactful and effective. I’m in! I marched to the mirror.
Wow, that was hard, But why? I felt awkward and embarrassed. I’m a kick ass girl and I will not let the image in the mirror take me, I can do this. Fake it until you make it. I keep attempting conquering this strange but simple truth. Louise is a hero of mine. I love her work so I follow her insightful advice. The power of positive affirmation needs to be felt as well as called out. Vision boards are effective, but feeling those visions as real, that is something from the inside out. There’s the ticket.
Embracing the image that reflects me. Good days bad days. Knowing that the best thing a girl can wear is a positive loving attitude. Being judgmental of myself is comparing myself to others. That is not fair or right. We all have the containers we are born with. The more I can have self-compassion and awareness the closer I get to love all those around me. Those are pretty eyes that see others with love.
My Mantra:
“I am beautiful from the inside out” “It is a joy to show that beauty to others”
“I am happy and take care of the skin I am in”
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