“If you learn something new every day, you can teach something new every day.” Martha Stewart

Never mind that she’s my husband’s pass; trust me, I get that she is smart, funny, and sexy, plus somehow nurturing and can cook anything. Men want all of that, duh. Is every man in love with Martha?

Where do I begin? This woman taught the world how to set a table, fold a napkin, keep it in your lap, make a bechamel sauce, and general manners; let’s face it, manners are much needed.

She started her business at age 50, 50! With a can-do attitude, she did it all, including canning. She is non-stop. Miss Martha gets out of bed before the sun to make her fresh smoothie ingredients from her garden, drinking green first thing in the morning. Martha is an American retail businesswoman, writer, and television personality. As the founder of Martha Stewart Living, concentrating on home, hospitality, and lifestyle brands, she has gained success through a variety of business ventures, encompassing publishing, broadcasting, merchandising, e-commerce, oh and she models, egad! She is a grandmother and hangs out with very interesting people. Her driveway in Main is filled with crushed oyster shells to be removed and resupplied seasonally. She has dogs, cats, chickens, and horses! I want to visit her for a week or two. I will not give my husband her address; he’d never come home.

Me some days, I linger about in my pajamas all day, excusing it as my jama day as if calling it something cheeky will excuse what would otherwise be noted as utterly unmotivated. But nonetheless, I want to be more like her, some way, somehow. Maybe I will start by organizing my closet??? I doubt I will apply labels; I need to face reality… I am an author with just one book so far. The second book I have put in over a year in edits alone. If she’s a falcon, I am a turtle.

Yes, I have a garden, but most whimsical, as is my life, as is my linen closet. I know Martha is the Queen of organization for that alone; I love her, but wait, stand by. I was at Bevmo only to see her wine! Yes, 19 Crimes. MARTHA’S CHARD; I bought it in the spirit of investigation. Priced around $15.00, I am a wine snob and loved her wine, not the label, but loved the wine.

She handled prison with her head held high, 5 months served, then trolled around in an ankle bracelet for another 5 months, still pushing her thriving business forward.

Her sense of humor was to have Snoop Dog on her daytime television show as they made green brownies, becoming friends for life. The two of them are a darling duo, showing up at the 2024 Olympics in Paris with great flare. Lord, I would love to have dinner with them, but once again, I am sure they would stay up way past my bedtime. Might be worth the lack of sleep that apparently Snoop and Martha do not require like I do…

To top it off, (for now) she posed for the cover of Sports Illustrated in her swimsuit at age 80, looking rather bold, brassy, and beautiful. Hot damn, she is badass.

I have modeled in bikinis as well; I am fearless in the kitchen. Maybe Martha and I are not so different after all?

If it sounds like I have a crush on her, I sort of do. With that, I will research her in small pieces and strive towards doing things better with precision and forethought, not to be afraid of pushing forward on my dreams. To embrace my now bikini body and find out what was in that green brownie recipe Snoop and Martha made! Snap!

If Martha rocks your world, drop me a note. She is truly inspiring for me.

My Mantra: “Our life can be as big as imagined; look at Martha.”

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Katie L Lindley

Although I would like to say I am organized, focused and cookie-cutter, that simply would not be me. I am no different than any other woman in the world. I love to love, love hard, and, in the end, have learned to love myself above all else. So here I am, writing about the many men and the multiple purposes they have served in my life. Realizing that not one man on my roster had fulfilled every single one of my needs. Perhaps one man is not supposed to? I have compiled snippets of the men that have entered my world. In the end, they have shoved me towards my bathroom mirror, forcing me to take a better look at myself. Reflection is brilliant and the strongest guidepost into ourselves.

Working on the next book in the series “A House for Every Purpose, My Journey From Pillow to Pillow” revels a woman abandoning her home in search or her identity beyond men, motherhood, author.

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