“I like Cinderella, I really do. She has a good work ethic. I appreciate a good, hard-working gal. And she likes shoes. The fairy tale is all about the shoe at the end, and I’m a big shoe girl.” Amy Adams
I had stopped looking for the perfect man and started to enjoy the queendom I had created around me. My newfound independence came with no need for a fairy-tale ending. I was living happily ever after each day. Joyfully riding horses was my beloved part-time job. At home, I had creative indulgence with the book. I chose to be alone as much as I wanted, relishing that there was no one to care for but myself. I increasingly sought nothing but the business of my personal solitude.
No need to wait for a man to find my lost glass slipper. My walk-in closet had all the shoes I needed; glass slippers were optional. Within the walls of my Victoria Street home, I shed more than my clothes. I left behind the fairytales that had misguided me for years—I cleared away all of the lies about a perfect life defined by a perfect man and with said perfect man as the music faded into the perfect background. I was growing up, as that fantasy no longer captivated me; that fantasy, in fact, bored me.
Gone was the real longing for something more. I did not need more; I was as happy as an un-shucked clam. My life was substantial, safe, and unfolding itself more each day. I was living within the fairy tale of my life, and within that lay the happy ending that I alone was creating. A personal ending coupled with a promising beginning, I was empowered to create, not one I had to wait for or be rescued from.
I snuggled down on my white linen couch with my laptop and a glass of wine as “Grey’s Anatomy” hummed on my computer. Life was entirely of guilty pleasures and deadlines that all felt like gifts. Equal balance sprang from me as I did my job, savoring each moment. From the depths of my soul, I knew life was splendid.
“My Mantra: “I am excited to finish the book “A House for Every Purpose, My Journey as an Empty Nester without a Nest.”
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