If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee.
The pitfall for me was there were too many men. I would be focusing on the current coffee date and my mind would drift to the next guy I was to meet on Tuesday. I know for sure I passed on some very worthy men because of this ridiculous mindset and can easily say I regret it. Trying to instantly depict decipher and detect whether or not they were my cup of tea.
What I learned from all these one time encounters? Take my time. If they are kind allow the second and third dates. I was too quick to dismiss too many men. Now I check myself and allow me to show up. Even though I have yet to find the ever after man that doesn’t mean I won’t. I believe I will, as I am a hopeless romantic. I just have realistic expectations that one man is not to fulfill all my needs. I must come in as a whole person to meet a whole person and add to our live, not complete one another. Jerry McGuire tanks, the dumbest line in a movie maybe ever, “You complete me” makes me want to burp up.
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