“Remember, sex is like a Chinese dinner. It ain’t over ’til you both get your cookie.” Alec Baldwin
This subject I posted this on Tik Tok, and it had legs. Over nine-thousand views. Hundreds of comments as this subject has hit a cord.
In my dating life, I was aware that things could go south fast if your naked time does not work. Hundreds of questions and comments led me to write about this moment in the dating world.
You have gone out on an excellent bit focusing on one person. All the good things are there you check-list with great happiness. They are the ones, and you just know it. you are excited to see them again. You laugh and understand one another. All the signs of falling in love are there. You have kissed and heavily- petted. You wanted to wait a bit because this felt special.
Then the naked date arrives.
It is so bad that you just stay silent. At this point, you don’t want to hurt feelings. You are not sure what to do so you dial up your friend as you are leaving. Tears are rolling, and you feel the heartbreak. How can it all be so good and be so bad all at the same time?
Your friend listens and encourages you to try again. First-time jitters can happen, especially if you are emotionally invested. Maybe the next time together will go great? Put behind the past, and do not mention the disappointment that it was your last attempt at coupling. You try to put it out of your mind even though it is scarred in your heart. A bottle of wine is shared at dinner at his house candles are lit as round two presents itself.
The same lousy time showed up. The thunderless disappointment appears quicker this time; as you know, this will not work.
You are thinking, how will you put them in a friend box? Can you recategorize your once possible love and turn them into a friend?
You want them in your life still but hurt feelings may show up and dictate differently.
It can be heartbreaking in the dating world to put yourself out there than to fall into the sheets with utter disappointment.
Can you place someone who doesn’t work in the sheets into a friend box? Sometimes yes, if you are both grownups about it. If there are hurt feelings or the other person thought you rocked together, you may have to say your goodbyes.
It is possible that it may never fit. The person you liked and felt could have been loved may not work. Relationships need to be well-rounded, and sex is part of the curve.
“http://www.amanforeverypurpose.com” I shared some of my hilarious heartbreaking attempts at finding love in my book “A Man for Every Purpose, My Naked Journey Searching for Love.”
If the chemistry is just not there and you don’t belong naked together.
My Mantra: “Don’t give up on love; honor yourself, and love will show up.”
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