“There’s a huge emotional component to weight loss.” Carnie Wilson
I stood in front of my closet mirror. Jeans scattered the floor like a crime scene. A chalk drawing of what my life used to look like. I had been able to wear the same size for three decades. Somehow, I’ve become the before photos where after was needed.
Then shelter in place, stay at home. Fears, warnings; don’t get Covid-19, wear a mask, stay six feet away from others, wash your hands. In addition to that, my husband now works in our small home. My life, as I knew it, was hijacked.
In this new routine of mine, cooking at home, wonderful meals included wine. We ate like royalty, and I didn’t really notice any weight gain. I walk the dog daily for miles, and my Lululemon’s fit!
Then the dreaded moment of truth, my jeans wouldn’t button. Laying down in bed trying to get the zipper to cooperate, clinging to my idea of what would have been a cute outfit. Those jeans I would not wear on that fateful night. A dim light shone on me. When I am ready to diet, because right now I am not, I will know what to do.
I understand simply that only one diet will work, for me. All other diets are a lie or full of processed food that causes your body to panic in trying to digest what is unnatural.
My weight loss solution, eat fresh foods, mostly vegetarian. Feel good about myself, and love my body the way it is now. Take in less than 2000 calories a day. A glass of wine is 200 calories, note to self. Keep moving; exercise will keep me young, flexible, and fit. Drink water! Half my body weight in ounces each day.
I will not rid myself of pants and buy new bigger ones, yet. I will not give up on myself or my body, ever. I will love my body no matter the size, those around me will feel the confidence I convinced myself of. My Lulu’s have adapted to my personal addition very nicely.
When I am ready, but I honestly am not. I struggle with the pandemic and all the changes that that implies. For now, I will continue to eat like royalty.
The day will come when I am ready; I will report how the simple truth of awareness with food will be on my side. Going mostly vegetarian is a wonderful way for me. Making certain that I cut back on wine. Eliminate sugar, no dairy but a little bit of cheese.
I will post when those jeans are fitting as they should, as they used to. Or if I relent and get new bigger jeans. Time, discipline, and an awareness of what I consume will factor in my personal success or adjustments to my new curvier normal.
My weight is personal; it is about my body myself. It is really no one’s business. However, if you have put on the pounds during the pandemic, you are not alone!
My Mantra: “The reflection of who you are should never be equated to how your jeans fit.”
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