“I’m baffled that anyone might not think women get more beautiful as they get older. Confidence comes with age, and looking beautiful comes from the confidence someone has in themselves.” Kate Winslet

You’ve been married and partnered with the same man for years. You go your separate ways via divorce, death, or the end of a relationship. However, the whole shebang has left you wondering if someone will ever want to touch you again. You are soft and have gained some pounds; menopause was rough; you are strong, flexible, and saucy but have well-earned curves. You remember how cute and fun you were years ago. That girl looked much differently; standing in the mirror with the eyes of a critic, doubt fills your mind.

Can knowing yourself, loving yourself, self-reliance, confidence, and wisdom replace the sexy you once were with a new kind of sexy?

Yes. Absolutely.

Self-care is number one. What does self-care mean to you? Know it, and don’t miss a day.

Men are ready to be appreciated. They want to share their strengths and weaknesses and be accepted for who they are. They have gone through years of life and are done with game playing. If you adore a man, they will adore you back; that is the mirror or reflection of a connection of love and a deeper understanding. Men want honesty and vulnerability, a willingness to share and expose who you are. A tall order can be, but you ignore the odds and know what you want.
Being authentic and straightforward, with self-respect, will often be more attractive to an older guy than any outfit or look. First impression is the way you look. If you look confident, that beats out a skimpy outfit.

An older guy has more life experience, so he’s pretty sure about himself and won’t go through the jitters and indecision younger men experience. They are ready for an adventure, equal to a stress-free life; they have earned it and know it.
We tend to forget that women are capable of establishing their finances and don’t need a rich, older man to provide for them. This type of woman does not require a man but would like one.

When I gave up frantically dating and worrying about being alone, my partner appeared in my life. It was a time in my life when I had the world by the tail and did not need a partner. My heart was open but packed to the brim whole. I was as happy as ever, and that is when he showed up.I know that being without a relationship can be lonely and tiring. It is best to focus on enjoying your life despite lacking a suitable man. Enjoy yourself, by yourself, for as long as you need to. A woman open for a man but not desperately looking emanates an easy, approachable self-confidence that draws men to her like flies to honey.
My Mantra: “Love, sex, desire, you are never too old”

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Katie L Lindley

Although I would like to say I am organized, focused and cookie-cutter, that simply would not be me. I am no different than any other woman in the world. I love to love, love hard, and, in the end, have learned to love myself above all else. So here I am, writing about the many men and the multiple purposes they have served in my life. Realizing that not one man on my roster had fulfilled every single one of my needs. Perhaps one man is not supposed to? I have compiled snippets of the men that have entered my world. In the end, they have shoved me towards my bathroom mirror, forcing me to take a better look at myself. Reflection is brilliant and the strongest guidepost into ourselves.

Working on the next book in the series “A House for Every Purpose, My Journey From Pillow to Pillow” revels a woman abandoning her home in search or her identity beyond men, motherhood, author.

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